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發表於 31-10-2011 15:56:37 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
by south china morning post
one of the paragraph 希望有人幫我翻譯,,

"It's a victory mosque they want to build," New Yorker John said, refusing to give his full name. (1)Shaven-headed members of (2)a far-right British group, the (3)English Defence League, joined (4)contingents of current and former (5)US service personnel, as did Dutch (6)hardline anti-immigrant MP Greet Wilders. Wilders got a huge cheer when he exhorted the crowd to "draw this line so that New York ... will never become New Mecca".

我自己就咁譯, 但唔通順,
來自紐約的約翰說: "這是一個他們想建造成勝利的清真寺", 他拒絕交出全名. 英國極右黨派光頭黨, 英國保守黨, 加入前任及前身為美國公共事務部的一分子(成員), 作為當中的一分子, 一名對反移民採強硬態度的荷籍下院議員基利.韋利斯. 韋利斯得到巨大的歡呼當他敦促群眾"對反移民劃清界線令紐約將來不會變成新麥加".

紅色英文字有D係字典查唔到, 希望有人俾到一個正確意思俾我,, 淺藍色英文句子係希望有人解到成句俾我聽,,

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發表於 4-11-2011 10:53:57 | 只看該作者
2.3.英國嘅右翼派團體=English Defence League
4.contingents=a part of a military force(軍隊嘅一部份)
6.hardline anti-immigrant MP : 反對移民派嘅議員
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發表於 5-11-2011 22:03:43 | 只看該作者
"It's a victory mosque they want to build," New Yorker John said, refusing to give his full name. Shaven-headed (光頭的) members of a far-right (極右的) British group, the English Defence League (該組織的名稱), joined contingents (一個職位) of current and former US service personnel (人事部), as did Dutch hardline anti-immigrant MP Greet Wilders. [ inverted sentence = as Dutch hardline anti-immigrant MP Greet Wilders did; pattern VS[O] vs. SV[O], bracketed means optional]

words in red = the simplified version of the sentence

For this:
Wilders got a huge cheer when he exhorted the crowd to "draw this line so that New York ... will never become New Mecca".

You may not know what it exactly means because you may be not that familiar with the stuffs in US. I don't know either.
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發表於 6-11-2011 08:50:25 | 只看該作者
"It's a victory mosque they want to build," New Yorker John said, refusing to give his full name. Sh ...
Kamma 發表於 6-11-2011 00:03

I read the New Mecca Statement as stop building the Mosque (next to Old World Trade Centre) in order to stop Islamic religion from gaining influence in New York.
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